Victim, A cooperative horror survival game for 1-6 players. Find a way to survive from the Evil that will possess someone in your group! with about 40-90 minutes of playtime.

The Cursed Forest
Each player will receive a different character with a different unique skill such as an ability to be good at navigation, searching, healing and decoding. Players need to brainstorm to wisely divide duties to each other and find a way out in a specific time. Anyway, in the middle of the game, there will be one player to be possessed by the evil and the mission of that possessed player will become to eliminate other players or blocking the way out instead. Therefore, remaining players have to team up to overcome obstacles and try their best to get out of the forest in the end.

Victims in the Forest
Victim, A cooperative horror survival game for 1-6 players. Find a way to survive from the Evil that will possess someone in your group!

Evils in the Forest
Victim, A cooperative horror survival game for 1-6 players. Find a way to survive from the Evil that will possess someone in your group!

The Asylum Expansion
Victim: The Asylum is an expansion and serves as a continuation for Victim: The Cursed Forest. Victim: Asylum, similar to its predecessor, revolves around the cooperation of “Victims” trying to escape from an entity called “the Evil”. With a brand-new setting and Victims, Victim: Asylum aims to offer a diversity in gameplay. The main objective for Victim: Asylum is to find the key, go to the basement, gain access to the Professor’s secret tunnel and escape the Asylum before Evil consumes you. Just like in the main game, one of the players will become possessed by Evil, changing their allegiance and objective to eliminate the other players or sabotaging their attempt to escape.

Evils in the Asylum
Victim, A cooperative horror survival game for 1-6 players. Find a way to survive from the Evil that will possess someone in your group!